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Learning How to Hold a Stick

Hey! Today I got a shorter post, but it is a specific post. You see it in the title. It's all about LEARNING HOW TO HOLD A STICK. Every time I get a new student that hasn't played percussion before, we spend a fair amount of time in lessons dealing with holding sticks. It seems like it would be a simple concept to explain, but I've found that it can often take a while for students to truly understand the idea of a fulcrum and keeping the other fingers on the stick . I know what your thinking, who is using a word like Fulcrum with a middle school or elementary school student? Well... Honestly, I am. Always in passing, but I use it to not hinder their furthur education. Back in. Percussion is an extremely accesible instrument. For one, you don't even need an implement. Just go out and play any object and you've suddenly became a percussionist. But in order to progress, we need to use sticks, and to use sticks we need to know how to hold them. to avo...
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Color the Music

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Hi all! My name is Noel Streacker. I am currently a graduate student at Northern Illinois University studying Percussion Pedagogy and Special Education. To explain why I am doing this, first some background. That's me! I was always fond of music growing up. My mother was in fact a musician herself and would play piano as my four brothers and I would fall asleep. Little did she know that one of her children would fall deeply in love and fascinated with music. Unfortunately, I put off learning music for a very long time. I was taught briefly by my mom at a very young age but I didn't keep going because I wanted to be cool like my brothers. It wasn't until my senior year of high school that I started taking music seriously. I started re learning piano and being more involved in the arts at my high school. I graduated and knew I needed to be involved in music. With that in mind I went to College of Dupage where my second semester I met Michael Folker, a wonderful chic...